Email Approvals


Many organizations face challenges in getting approvals for transactions from executives, directors, or managers who don't have time to log into NetSuite. Existing solutions often require stakeholders to navigate multiple systems, leading to delays and inefficiencies.

At HiScale Solutions Inc, we understand that streamlining the approval process is crucial for businesses looking to improve productivity and reduce administrative burdens. Our Email Approvals Solution allows stakeholders to approve or reject transactions from anywhere, using email notifications, eliminating the need for them to log into NetSuite.

Our Email Approvals Solution offers the following key features:

  • Email Notifications: Send approval requests to executives, directors, or managers via email, ensuring they receive timely notifications.
  • Approve/Reject Buttons: Include approve or reject buttons within the email, making it easy for stakeholders to take action without logging into NetSuite.
  • Transaction Link: Provide a direct link to the transaction in case additional information is required.
  • Rejection Reason Requested: If the transaction is rejected, request a reason for rejection and update the transaction accordingly.
  • Automation: Automate the approval process, eliminating manual errors and reducing administrative burdens.


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